Featured Weddings

red rose flowers bouquet on white surface beside spring book with click pen and cup of cofffee

Unity is excited to be adding a Featured Wedding Section to our site: Unity the Wedding Directory

Let’s start with a call for couples who broke with Wedding Norms with their weddings.

  • Your submission should include a brief introduction of yourself and your partner, how you met, and what inspired your wedding theme or style.
  • Your submission should also include at least 10 high-quality photos of your wedding day, showcasing the details, the venue, the attire, the decor, and the emotions. Jpg format please.
  • Written permission from yourself, your partner, and your photographer for use of the images on the Unity website and social media accounts.
  • Your submission should be original and not previously published on any other website or platform. Please provide a link to your photographer’s website or social media account if applicable.
  • Your submission should be respectful and inclusive of all cultures, religions, genders, and orientations. Please avoid any language or imagery that may be offensive or insensitive to others.
  • Your submission should be proofread and edited for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Please use a clear and professional tone and avoid slang or abbreviations.

Submit your Permissions, Pictures and Stories to: info@unitytheweddingdirectory.com

You will be notified by email if your wedding will be featured on our site and again once it goes live.

Thank you in advance for all your submission.

#WeddingPlanning #WeddingDirectory #WeddingTips #Weddings #unitytheweddingdirectory #unity #weddingdirectory #weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #featuredweddings #breakingweddingnorms

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